Beauty & Books

Beauty & Books: Hannah Swensen series

Ahhh, Hannah Swensen. Fun for a while and then ridiculous. The Amazon reviews for this series get progressively more amusing though so that’s a bonus.

I ended up really enjoying the L’Oreal Pro-Glow foundation. It’s a fairly good match, maybe a tad too yellow. Having olive undertones- I have a lot of green and blue in my skin- does make it super hard to get an exact match which is why I tend to go for light coverage. Plus, thanks to some great genes, I have pretty good skin so other than some redness and the occasional breakout (I recently figured out that silicone doesn’t agree with my skin so a lot of the pore filling primers, looking at you Porefessional, clog my pores something fierce so that’s been helping), I don’t have a whole lot to cover up. My biggest complaints are unevenness, very brown/yellow under eye circles, and pore size. But the Pro-Glow evened everything out, didn’t look cakey, didn’t accentuate my dry patches, and was nice and glowy without being oily looking.

It is not a great foundation to use on top of a heavy moisturizer though. I swap between a heavy moisturizer and a lighter one during the day depending on how my skin is feeling. With the lighter moisturizer it does great. With the heavy moisturizer it almost seems like it doesn’t set and it has a tendency to move around and settle in fine lines…or right into my giant forehead line. Which is super attractive. Not. So, this is a great one when I’m in Florida but not a great one when I’m in Texas- it’s much drier here so I add in rose hip oil (in differing amounts) to my heavy moisturizer day and night, winter and summer and that doesn’t play well with this foundation.