Beauty & Books

Beauty & Books: Maya Banks

Now, I will say that these books don’t re-read very well. That’s when you start to really notice some of the odd and repetitive phrases that erotic literature authors tend to use. But that first reading was pretty good.

Regarding 50 Shades of Grey, I thought that it was really just an abusive relationship being covered with a BDSM relationship. I felt that they never got into proper consent for their activities, like she was surprised by some of the things that he did and I feel that informed consent is a big deal especially when dealing with kinks. I also thought that his level of control over her was alarming and the lengths that he went to to get her back, it felt very manipulative. I also found the actual sex parts to be very clunkily written, to the extent that I thought for sure it was written by a dude because it didn’t seem to have the realistic depth that you would expect from a woman who has experienced sex. It was dull to me. I have never read about that much sex and been so utterly bored.She uses the same descriptive phrases over and over again.

Everyone is, of course, entitled to like whatever they like so no judgement here. That’s part of what I like so much about reading. Everyone takes away something different when they read. Different people relate to different things in different ways so I would never assume that my opinion is the end all be all to literature, high brow, low brow, and any level in between. What I love you may hate and what you love I may hate and that’s totally cool.

And I made it to 48 books for 2016. I was so close!!