Get Ready with Me

Get Ready with Me: False Eyelash Fail!

Ooooooh man. You guys. This was SO much harder than I thought it would be. You know, you see videos of people putting them on and it’s so quick and easy- just plop, tuck, tuck, and done! I’ve put them on my twice sister when we were testing out her wedding makeup and when I did a Yzma look for one of her dance parties. That was super easy. But putting them on myself is a totally different story. I couldn’t get the inside corner to tuck properly and it was just flopping all over the place.

I did eventually get them on. I watched a few how-to videos and went back at it. But I was in the middle of what ended up being a 6 hour allergy attack and it was not pretty. I did get them on but I’m fairly certain I still didn’t get them quite right because they were SO incredibly uncomfortable. But that could have been user error, it could have been the result of my allergies making my eyes more sensitive, could just be how those particular lashes feel, or it could have been a hideous combination of all three. Either way, I lasted 10 minutes with them on and then had to take them (and all of my makeup) off. I haven’t totally given up yet but this feels like an awful lot of work and discomfort at the moment. Like outputtingly so. And yes, I did just make a word up. I’ll keep trying and I may get a smaller, less heavy pair to work with and see if that makes a difference.